


Friday, December 7, 2012

X-MAS DIY (for kids) + inspiration: tissue paper creations

(tutorial with picture from Oh Happy Day)

I like tissue paper and what you can do with it. Here are two sweet tips on decorations I found on two great blogs. Be sure to check Oh Happy Day and SikSakSiS for more inspiration!

 (tutorial with picture from SikSakSiS)

 (tutorial with picture fron Oh Happy Day)

We've made two tissue paper projects with the kids in the past week. First we made pom poms, but we did not use enough paper so they got a bit flat, but nice enough to show off.

Secondly we restyled some Christmas ornaments I thrifted by covering them with tissue paper.

We used:
- ordinary paper glue
- a paint brush
- second hand Christmas ornaments
- tissue paper
- scissors (optional)

1. Tear (or cut) the tissue paper into smaller pieces.

2. Apply glue to the ornament with the help of the brush, and stick the pieces of paper onto the sticky mess.

We got some snowballs and a red fire comet.

Happy crafting!

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