


Sunday, November 25, 2012

hand lettered names + fia lotta jansson design

I had the honour of working on a tattoo for a father with the name of his son. Another commission work was to letter the names of each members of a family. I really love this work!

If you need or want names, monograms, logos or anything hand lettered, don't hesitate to contact me to get info on costs and possibilities to get your own custom design!

As of now I am working under the name Fia Lotta Jansson Design and I am truly happy to be able to offer services in graphic design.

Om du gillar handskrivet och vill ha eller behöver namnteckningar, monogram för t.ex. bröllop eller logon, ta kontakt med mig!

If you have questions or want to fialottajansson[at]gmail[dot]com



Autism Information said...

These would be for tattoos?

Christa said...

Namnen finns på rätt plats nu, på lådorna i hallen. Men Abbe drar ner dem mest hela tiden :)