


Sunday, June 10, 2007

what becomes of buttons?

I am totally in love with buttons. I know I am not the only one (has anybody got an explanation to this phenomenon that is passion for buttons???).

Here is my stash, proudly presented.
For a long time I have been trying to figure out what to do with them all, cause the stash keeps getting bigger... I've made some necklaces for friends and myself in the past but wanted to do something else. So one night I sat and listened to the Reminder by Feist on my iPod (the cd a gift from my husband, a fantastic record and creative songstress!:), and crafted some nice things you might get to see in the future.



Anonymous said...

kanske fascinationen över knappar beror på att de liknar karameller.. jag har en massa knappar i en gammal, rund plåtburk som man tidigare haft en stor filmrulle i, och varenda gång jag öppnar burken tänker jag faktiskt på godisar. det finns mest hårda knappar men också mjuka, alla möjliga färger och otroligt söta. det var i alla fall min koppling, godismonster som jag är. ha det gott!

G said...

I love buttons too and look forward to seeing what you have made! :)