


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

word of the day #5

Freely translated: Give children love, more love and even more love and common sense will come by itself. Quote by the wise author Astrid Lindgren.

I made this and several other prints with quotes by Astrid Lindgren as Christmas gifts for friends last year.

Two nights ago, on Sunday evening, we had a quiet time with the family. I had been working all weekend away from the kids, so when I came home we just sat together, talking, hugging, cuddling, eating and talking for hours. I loved that. You give love and they give love. Parents too get common sense by being loved by their children. But adults have the responsibility to show their kids love.

(Word of the day is a graphic inspired by a single happening during the day or a feeling left after the passing day. Feel free to save or print for personal use, not to be sold. The FLJ signature stands for Fia Lotta Jansson.)