I guess you'll read quite a lot of baby related stuff here on my blog from now on. I have a week left of work before my mother leave and after that I suppose most of my thoughts will be about baby stuff. I am really looking forward to the mother leave, preparing for another member of the family and just taking it easy.
I have started something new even though I am soon off for a break; I am attending a baby clothing sewing course! And I enjoy it very much; many inspiring mother making things for their kids, many of them refashioning stuff (me likes!) and all of them are experienced in the child department, so I can learn a lot.
Enough of the blabbering, this is what I am making right now; refashioning a knitted cotton cardigan (got it from my mother in law and she had thrifted it years ago) into a baby hoodie.
(It was my first time last Wednesday to use an overlock machine, a very good invention!)
Just so I remember how to wash the hoodie!
This is the almost finished project, still needs waistbands and bands for the sleeves and hood. The little picture is from the book I am taking inspiration from.
Tack, jag läser ju också hela tiden här men kommer ofta av mig i kommenterandet när det är så många små som skall ha uppmärksamhet :)
JÄTTEfina saker som du har gjort igen och vilka spännande tider ni har framför er, så kul så kul! *Kram*
Very comfortable looking pattern and a sweet way of recycling! Overlocking machine is just great when you make T-shirts and anything elastic.
Oj,så duktig du är! Den blir jättefin!
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