


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

my low budget Christmas decorations

You do not have to spend a lot of money on Christmas decorations. I can be fun to buy all kinds of glittery, or white-grey-black-ish, or traditionally red and green, or whatever stuff the stores are full of at this moment. But keeping it simple is quite nice too! (Like decorating oranges with cloves like me, Elmer and Magda did tonight, a classic!)

I have not invested much money in Christamas decorations this year, approximately 7 eurodollars. Yes, I know! I still count most costs in euro even though I've been living near five months in the Krona Land. D'you Finns remember how it was when Mark turned to Euro!? It is not easy getting used to a new currency.

Anyways! I've recycled, thrifted and bought some very cheap new things for this Christmas. The window star is new, but it cost me only 2 eurodollars + the elecrical chord, only one euro more than the star. They already sell Christmas stuff for 50% less over here. The twig with red berries is also new, not many euros this one either. But the vase is recycled: this years Blossa Glögg with ginger. It was good, but not great. I really loved last year's Arabica Glögg.

The cushion covers are made from thrifted materials. More about them in an upcoming post!

 What are your favourite decorations this year?


verkstaden verstas said...

... och jag som tycker så om Blossa 2012 men inte fjolårets kaffesmak ... !

Sofie said...

tur att vi tycker olika så de kan hålla igång kommersen:)