


Monday, March 5, 2012

word of the day #3

We had a good choir practice with Blessed Mess tonight. But I was very tired, so I behaved silly. We could laugh about it though, good people in the choir! But I am silly, most of the time. I am more angry now than I've ever been before in life, I guess it comes with age and by living. But I've always been childish in a positive, life-affirming way. I've always tried to be myself, I think that is a good thing.

These words are not my own, I've seen several graphics with them. The print is old, I found it on my computer just now and wanted to share it. Hope it brings you inspiration and confidence.

(Word of the day is a graphic inspired by a single happening during the day or a feeling left after the passing day. Feel free to save or print for personal use, not to be sold.)

1 comment:

Sandra, i sagarden said...

Ibland saknar jag blessed mess-tiden riktigt mycket... och alltid den här tiden på året tänker jag tillbaka på Örebro-resan, den var så fantastisk! :) TACK!