


Friday, February 3, 2012

word of the day #1

 words and design: fia lotta jansson

Minus 25° C and I only wore tights. I was warm on my upper body thanks to a wool sweater and a winter jacket, but my legs, what was I thinking! I had to take the bus home from work, but waiting half an hour was painful, I was truly afraid of my legs getting frostbitten. I took a taxi.

(Word of the day is a graphic inspired by a single happening during the day or a feeling left after the passing day. Feel free to save or print for personal use, not to be sold. The FLJ signature stands for Fia Lotta Jansson.)

1 comment:

A-K said...

men! Av någon anledning har jag missat din blogg sedan oktober - förstår inget! Glad att jag insåg att du fortfarande bloggar och nu skall jag ladda ned kalendern!