


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

plums and white mud cake

Gorgeous colours. From my husband's grand fathers plum tree.

It is no secret I love kladdkaka, this is a blonde version and I liked that one as well! Recipe found at Weronica's place.

Today I walked home from day care with the kids in the rain, just to find out when we got home I had forgotten my keys. Husband would not come home for another 90 minutes so we went over to lovely mr and mrs S, our closest neighbours, and they treated us with juice and apple pie (and a cup of good tasting coffee for the forgetful mother:).

How have you been today?

1 comment:

Cilla said...

Fantastiskt med plommon från "eget" träd!
Vi åt också kladdkaka igår, fast den bruna varianten ;)