


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Doing better than I thought

When I was pregnant I was terrified that I would not be disciplined enough to make proper lunch for the baby when it was time for more food and not just breast milk. I am very lazy when it comes to making and eating lunch and dinner. But I am a grown up, I get tired and angry, still I can manage a few days without one or the other. But a baby needs regularity and it needs food!

I am doing better than I thought I would. I'm still a bit lazy with my own lunch (I will shape up!) but I really like making lunch for E. So far the dishes haven't been that challenging. Yesterday's menu: Potato and carrot purée. And I made enough to last till Sunday. And I am reusing bought baby food jars.

E even matched the food with his cardigan!

These books were a gift from a friend to E. They are clever and funny. The one with the banana is "The First Mash Book" (in Swedish the title of the book is very witty, but I cannot translate it. Anybody else?). That book is a children's picture book with fruits and vegetables. The second one is for parents, it has got recipies for making baby food; from potato purée to baby bechamel and baby pancake. I really like that book!

Have a good Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Så kul att E börjat äta mos - han är inte så liten längre! Jag var väldigt bra på grönsaksmos till våra barn, men kött är hopplöst. Det blir gråa små trådar som smakar äckel. I köpburkar är ju maten kryddad, men när man lagar själv ska man inte lägga i någonting (enligt rådgivningen...). Det är skumt.