The wrist warmers were finished yesterday. Today I have been shopping; shelves for the baby's room, salt for the garden, good bread, a top and a bra for myself, two magazines of The Phantom for my hubby from the thrift store, and some other thrifted stuff for me. I also had a good cake at a coffee house together with a fellow pregnant. Oh, and then I bought some chocolate (good old Fazer, milk chocolate with berries:), that I will eat together with my sister tonight. But before that I will heat the sauna and treat myself with a little home spa. Grand!
How did you spend your day?
I'm knitting too! It's the lovely Titania top pattern. Also watching Beowulf on DVD and spending too much time on Ravelry!
absolutely no knitting here... Jag tror helt seriöst att man föds som stickare eller så inte. Och om inte så kan man aldrig bli en, för man har helt enkelt inte tålamod nog att hålla på. Jag skulle gärna vara en stickare, men föddes tyvärr med andra gåvor istället. Men jag avundas dina fina handledsvärmare! kram.
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