


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happiness over a jar and other things

I recently thrifted a big glass jar and realized I could fill it up with tea bags! Made me happy for a whole evening (hormones can give you cheap and pleasant highs:).

More lace love; detail from a lace pillow case on a pillow on my sofa.

I was supposed to make these before Christmas, but better late than even later, as my teacher used to say. Lovely picot snowflake ornament.

My husband is delighted that I can now balance a cup on my belly while sitting. Here is Moomin daddy looking at my breasts:)

Here is the baby blanket I am knitting. Good yarn!



nikkishell said...

Ahh yes! Bumps make great tables, you just have to be careful when baby kicks!

Lisa said...

åh, vad fina snöflingor du gjort.Jag lägger till dig på min länklista nu för det är så roligt att kunna komma hit och titta ibland. man får så mycket inspiration.ses snart./lisa:)